
Frequently asked questions

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Home improvement stores are filled with potions and sprays all claiming to eliminate pests in and around your home, and some may provide you with short term relief. Results Pest Control Technicians know where to locate pests around your home, identify the exact type of insect and customize a treatment specific to that insect and the conditions effecting the local environment. Targeted localized treatments guarantee long term results.

The effectiveness of any pest control treatment depends on 3 factors.

  1. What type of insect?
  2. What application method was used?
  3. What season are we in?

If the problem is spiders, you should see an immediate improvement hours after the first service. A single application should eliminate 80 to 90 percent of spiders, and 100 percent of spiders like black widows when the application and inspection are done correctly.

When ants are in your home it could take 2 or even 3 targeted applications to eliminate the infestation.

Yes, treating the interior of your home is essential. Results Pest Control recommends a preventive liquid treatment inside your home at least twice annually.

Spring or early summer interior treatments are necessary to control spiders and crawling insects that enter the home. A liquid treatment to your baseboards will eliminate these pests.

When earwigs are hatching in the colder months of November and December, it’s another great time to treat the baseboards and keep these pinching insects away from your family.

Ants in your home? Interior treatments are a must for timely elimination of those foraging pests.

Depending on your expectations Results Pest Control offers both recuring service programs and One-Time services.

If your goal is keeping your home and family safe from pests 24/7 365 then a recuring pest control program is a must. Your always protected with Results Pest Control recurring programs that have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. We keep coming back until the bugs are out of you home at no additional cost to you.

One-Time services are great for knocking down spiders in your yard or cleaning them out from under the eaves of your home. Maybe you have a few wasp nests you would like gone in that case a One-Time service may be right for you

Pest control chemicals are relatively safe when used as directed by the label. Licensed pest control professionals working for Results Pest Control are mixing and applying their applications appropriately.

The rule of thumb for a liquid application on the exterior of your home would be safe once the chemical has dried.

The rule of thumb for a liquid application on the interior of your home would be safe 4 hours after the application is completed and the chemical has dried.

However, it is important to consider the enormous attention given to restricting pest control licensing and application of chemicals. The industry would not go to such lengths if these chemicals were considered 100% safe.

Results Pest Control’s recurring programs have a 100% Pest Free Guarantee. This means that when pests like ants, are invading your home we will keep coming back until they are no longer in your home.

When pests are on the exterior of the home that would not fall under the guarantee. Pest on the exterior are consider normal activity and will be treated during a normal service visit. One exception, Wasps! Results Pest Control will always respond to a call within 24 hours for help with a wasp nest in a place were your family is at risk.

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