rats in the attic

Rats in the attic: why they are there and the damage they cause

No one wants rats in the attic. However, rats can do more than make your home uncomfortable. They can create an unhealthy living environment for your family.

You may think that rats prefer to live at ground level. However, some rats are just as comfortable making a home in your attic.

Rats in the attic can wreak havoc on the structure of your home. Eventually, that damage can spread to other parts of your house.

To learn more about why rats are in your attic and the damage they can cause, read on.

Why Are Rats in the Attic?

Attics are a perfect home for rats. They’re dark, safe, and quiet. For this reason, you may find that your attic is a haven for these unwanted guests.

If so, it’s important to deal with the problem quickly. Over time, nesting rats can cause considerable damage to your home.

There are two common kinds of rats in the United States—the Norway rat and the Roof Rat. The Roof Rat tends to favor warm areas. This species of rat is more likely to make a home in your attic.

Typically, a roof rat has a black coat. Its coat is sleek, and it also has a long tail.

Conversely, Norway rats are typically brown. You’re more likely to see this brand of critter in a sewer or a basement.

Rats can climb on any surface. They can also fit in most spaces. Furthermore, they breed—and fast.

If you have a few rats in your attic, it’s important to deal with the problem as soon as possible. In no time at all, a few rats in your attic can become a massive infestation.

The Health Dangers of a Rat-Infested Attic

The biggest threat that rats pose is that they carry disease. Rats live in nests. However, those nests also collect urine and rat droppings.

As rats travel through your home, they track disease, urine, and droppings throughout your house. Furthermore, the organic material that rats produce decays.

Like most living things, rats love to eat. They’re very skilled at breaking in the food items. However, as they do, they can also contaminate your food.

Rats can carry several threatening diseases. In extreme cases, exposure to some of these diseases can even result in death.

Rat health risks include a range of diseases. These diseases include:

• Bubonic plague
• Hantavirus
• Leptospirosis
• Rat-bite fever
• Salmonella

Accordingly, it’s important to prevent your home from becoming a vector for disease. For this reason, it’s vital to keep rats out of your home.

However, rats can do more than spread disease. They can also promote allergic reactions.

In some cases, exposure to rats can trigger an asthma attack. Many studies have shown a connection between rodent exposure and asthma symptoms.

The Threats Your Home Faces From Infestation

It’s also important to understand that your home can suffer damage from rats. Rats have powerful teeth. Furthermore, their teeth never stop growing.

For this reason, they must shave their teeth down so that they remain manageable. Resultantly, rats gnaw on nearly anything. These things may include your walls, your doors, or your furniture.

In the attic, rats have a proclivity for insulation. They’ll shred it to pieces along with any paper or cardboard in your attic. Furthermore, they’ll use these materials to build their nests.

Also, rats have dirty, oily coats. As they travel through your home, they’ll leave damaging grease marks on nearly anything they touch. For example, you might notice grease marks on your walls or siding if you have a rat infestation.

Furthermore, rats leave urine and droppings everywhere. Eventually, these organic materials can rot the wood in your home.

Again, rats chew on everything. Unfortunately, they have no qualms about gnawing on electrical wires. They also gnaw on gas lines and other potentially flammable items.

In fact, rodents cause a significant amount of house fires in the United States. Researchers estimate that rodents cause approximately 25% of “unknown cause” house fires.

Taking Steps to Get Rid of Rats

As you can see, it’s important to keep rats out of your home. Most people would start with cleaning out their attics. However, you can also make your home less attractive to rats by ensuring that your garbage bins stay closed.

Also, keep your garden maintained and your trees pruned. This upkeep will make your home less enticing to unwanted critters.

Furthermore, make sure that debris doesn’t collect around your home. Debris is a safe harbor for insects.

Rats eat insects for dinner. Accordingly, an ample supply of insects will attract rats to your home.

You may suspect that you have rats in your home. If so, you should try to identify the problem.

At night, listen for the sound of scurrying feet. Also, look around your home for traces of rat droppings. Typically, you’ll find them grouped in a corner.

Nesting Rats Are Persistent

If you have a rat infestation, it’s not enough to just layout poison and set traps. In most instances, the rats will simply return once you remove these measures.

It’s important to make it hard for rats to travel freely around your property. Accordingly, it’s also important to block any open holes or gaps around your home.

In some instances, rats will not disperse no matter what you do. In this case, you’ll need to seek professional help.

A professional exterminator can conduct a proper inspection. They’ll find all the weak spots in your home.

For example, they’ll close areas that rats can access in your vents and roofline. The exterminator will also seal off any locations that can serve as an entrance for unwanted visitors.

When It’s Time to Call for Help

You might think you have a rat infestation if you hear strange bumps and squeaks in the night. If so, there’s no need to panic.

Instead, you can seek the help of a professional rodent control service. A leading pest control service will provide you with a free inspection.

The technician will identify any unwanted intruders. Furthermore, they’ll develop a plan to help remove rats from your home. Most importantly, they’ll make sure that they don’t come back.

In some instances, you may think you could simply wait for the cold season to kick in. Some people mistakenly believe that rats go away in the winter. However, this logic doesn’t ring true.

Rats do go somewhere when it gets cold, but they don’t go far. Rodents don’t migrate in the winter.

Instead, they look for nearby food supplies. However, they do reduce their activity in the wintertime.

This habit helps rats to conserve energy. However, they’ll come back stronger than ever once things warm up once again.

Getting Rid of Rats for Good

Rats can take over your home in search of food and warmth. As they do, they’ll lay waste to your home.

If you find that rat activity subsides with no intervention, it’s important to follow through with an inspection. You may have something in your home that is helping them to survive harsher winter days. If so, they’ll come back even more active in the spring.

When it gets warm again, you might find that you’re subject to an invasion. For this reason, it’s important to take steps to free your home of pests now.

Winter pest control is especially important in Northern California. In this area, the winters are generally milder compared to the rest of the country.

There’s rarely a frost in the area. Even the coldest Northern California days aren’t enough to freeze household rats. However, it does get cool enough to compel rats to seek shelter in your attic.

Don’t get fooled when rat activity subsides in the winter. Eliminate the threat of a rat infestation so that you can enjoy your home in comfort year-round.

High-Quality Pest Control Services for Your Home or Business

Now you know more about why rats are in your attic and the damage they can cause. If you believe you have rats in the attic, you’ll need a trusted, high-quality pest control service.

Results Pest Control is a local, family-owned pest control service. We provide the highest quality pest control service in Northern California. With Results Pest Control, you can count on a remarkable service experience each and every time.

It’s our mission to provide clients with peace of mind. We work diligently to ensure that our clients’ properties remain safe from pests. We’ll develop a customized plan to remove pests and ensure that they don’t come back.

Contact Results Pest Control today at (916) 633-6300 or connect with us online to schedule a free inspection.