Asian tiger mosquito

What is the Asian Tiger Mosquito?

When you think of the world’s deadliest animal, what do you picture? A fierce lion or a frightening grizzly bear, maybe? Think again. It’s the mosquito, which kills an estimated 725,000 people each year.

One common type of mosquito, in particular, is the Asian tiger mosquito. But what exactly is this pest and how do you know if you have an infestation? We’re here to help.

Keep reading to learn more about this species, how to prevent them, and what to do if you notice Asian tiger mosquito bites on yourself or your family members.

What Is the Asian Tiger Mosquito?

As its name suggests, the Asian tiger mosquito originates from Southeast Asia. They made their way to the United States back in the mid-1980s, through a shipment of tires.

This particular type of mosquito is identifiable by its silver/white stripes on its black body. They often carry dangerous diseases like Zika and West Nile virus, which can be passed to humans through mosquito bites. The average adult Asian tiger mosquito lifespan is around 3 weeks.

Signs of an Infestation

So, how do you know if you have an infestation of these pests? The most obvious sign is noticing their annoying buzzing sound when you’re spending time outside. Another good indication is itchy mosquito bites on your skin.

If you have standing water around your home, in a lake, birdbath, or something similar, you may also notice young Asian tiger mosquitos on the surface of the water.

How to Prevent These Pests

If you notice these mosquitoes buzzing around your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. Start by removing any standing water in your outdoor areas. This will make it harder for the mosquitos to reproduce.

Then, consider screening in your outdoor area to help keep mosquitos away from you when you’re outside. Additionally, if you open your windows to let fresh air in, make sure you keep the screens closed.

If you will be spending time outside in an unscreened area, be sure to apply an insect repellant that contains DEET, which is an EPA-registered ingredient. Unfortunately, studies show that citronella candles do not effectively repel mosquitos, so don’t rely on that to do the job for you.

If you notice that you have a persistent infestation, even after getting rid of standing water and using mosquito repellent, it’s best to contact a professional pest control company like our team here at Results Pest Control to help remove them.

How to Treat a Mosquito Bite

As soon as you notice a bite, wash the area with soap and water. Then, apply an ice pack to help reduce swelling and itching. If the itching persists, you can apply an over-the-counter anti-itching treatment to help reduce discomfort.

Most of the time, an Asian tiger mosquito bite will only result in mild irritation. However, in some cases, you may notice swelling or intense inflammation. In that case, you should visit your doctor immediately.

Here to Help With Any Infestation

Now that you know more about the Asian tiger mosquito, you’re more prepared on what to do if you notice them around your home. If you have an infestation of these bugs or any other pests, we’re here to help.

Contact us today to book an inspection and learn more about how we can keep your home free of pests.